Swaggie's Grave
Entrance to Camden Park Homestead
According to Urban Dictionary, a Swaggie is an is an old Australian and New Zealand term describing an underclass of transient temporary workers, who travelled by foot from farm to farm carrying the traditional swag (bedroll). Also characteristic of swagman attire was a hat strung with corks to ward off flies.
Now, with that in mind, let me tell you a story that dates back to the early pioneering days and the early 1930's.
It is said a young man set out looking to make his own opportunities and was heading in the direction of the Camden Park Homestead to offer his services in exchange for food and lodging...but unfortunately, he never made it. The grave of the unknown swaggie is known as the guardian of the property and is also the official welcoming committee to the Homestead.
Our Swaggie's history, age, family is all unknown to us and he was buried with all his belongings and that's how he shall remain...until maybe one day some discovers he is their ancestor and comes to claim him.
A gentleman has donated his time and skills to write a tombstone and is on the job to give our unknown swaggie a plaque and the grave-site will be treated in a similar way to that of the unknown soldier in Canberra and is our intention to showcase the Swaggie's final resting place as somewhere people can pay their respects to the old pioneers or just take a break from their travels.
Book one of the Camden Park Station tours and you will get to pay your respects to the Swaggie's final resting place yourself.
Be sure to check out our 2017 Tours here.